4 Myths About Dental Implants

4 Myths About Dental Implants

Team Dental Implants

Dental implants have become an increasingly popular option for replacing missing teeth. However, many misconceptions exist about the process and procedure associated with dental implants. In this blog post, we'll debunk four common myths about dental implants, so you can make an informed decision for your dental health. 

1) Dental Implants Are Painful

The idea that dental implants are incredibly painful is one of the biggest misconceptions regarding dental implants. In reality, getting a dental implant is relatively painless and quick. During the procedure, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the area so you don't feel any discomfort. After the procedure, you may experience some swelling and tenderness in the area where the implant was placed, but this should only last a few days. Follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions so your dental implant heals properly, and you avoid complications.

2) Dental Implants Are Expensive

When it comes to restoring your smile, dental implants may cost more than other options like dentures or bridges. However, dental implants last much longer than other options and are more reliable. They are also incredibly durable, so they can last a lifetime with proper care. So while the initial cost of dental implants may be higher than other options, the investment might be worth it since they will likely last you much longer than other treatments.

3) Dental Implants Are Only for People With Missing Teeth

This common misconception prevents many from considering dental implants as an option. Dental implants are used for a wide range of purposes beyond simply replacing missing teeth. From preserving the jawbone to improving the appearance of your smile with cosmetic dentistry, dental implants benefit those with or without missing teeth. A dentist will assess your needs and suggest the best type of implant for you. Dental implants can also support other dental prostheses, such as bridges and partial dentures, allowing you to restore your smile's appearance while addressing any functional issues.

4) Dental Implants Look Fake

Many people worry their dental implants will look artificial or fake. This fear is understandable, as most people want to maintain a natural look. However, modern dental implants are designed to look just like real teeth. Advanced techniques, such as custom shade matching and precise implant placement, ensure your implant blends seamlessly with your existing teeth, giving you a natural-looking smile. In addition, dental implants are made from strong and durable materials that won't discolor or show signs of wear and tear over time. As a result, your dental implants may last for many years with the proper care.

Dental Implants in Murray Hill

Manhattan Dental Spa proudly offers dental implants in Murray Hill. Our highly-trained and experienced staff use the most up-to-date technologies and procedures to ensure the proper placement of each implant and a natural look. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or need a full set of new teeth, you can trust Manhattan Dental Spa. Call us today at 212-683-2530 and learn more about our dental implant services or request an appointment online