Why Dentistry is Like an Iceberg

Why Dentistry is Like an Iceberg

Team General Dentistry

It may sound odd at first, but dentistry can be like an iceberg. How so? To understand this comparison, it is first necessary to imagine what an iceberg looks like. It floats in the water with part of the iceberg above the surface, and part of the iceberg under the surface. As we know from the most famous iceberg in history, the one that sank the Titanic, the part below the surface of the water can often be the source of the problem. 

Dentistry and icebergs are similar in a couple of different ways. Read on to learn how this comparison can help you better understand your dental and oral health. 

How Are Teeth and Icebergs Alike? 

One way that dentistry can be compared to an iceberg is the structure of a tooth and how it is held in place in your mouth. The crown portion of a tooth sits above the gumline and is visible to you and your dentist. The root portion of a tooth is below the gumline where it cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is similar to an iceberg in the way that a portion of the iceberg is visible above the surface and the rest of it is often invisible below the surface. 

In dentistry it is necessary to see below the surface, which is why we use diagnostic tools such as X-rays. Digital X-ray images allow dentists to check the health, condition, and shape of your teeth and jaw under the gumline. If there is a problem, it can be detected early and treated. 

The Tip of the Iceberg 

You have probably heard the phrase “That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” This is another way that dentistry can be compared to an iceberg. Sometimes a dental or oral health problem seems to be only superficial, when in fact it is more severe below the surface. Your dentist may discover additional damage to your teeth, gums, or jaw while addressing the initial problem. 

The good news is that this gives your dentist the opportunity to repair the damage that may not have otherwise been discovered until it was too late to save the tooth. Restorative procedures may be able to preserve the natural tooth and root structure so you can avoid the need for replacement.  

Avoid the Iceberg By Being Proactive 

In the tragic story of the sinking of the Titanic, one of the key elements is the fact that the iceberg could have been avoided if the proper precautions were taken. This concept also applies to dentistry. Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to your dental health. If you brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day, you can prevent a lot of dental and oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. 

Going to the dentist every 6 months is another important preventive measure. Professional cleanings remove the plaque left behind after your brush and floss. Comprehensive oral evaluations detect dental and oral health concerns in the early stages so that they can be addressed with the most minimal treatment necessary. 

Maintaining Your Dental Health Above and Below the Surface

Manhattan Dental Spa believes in the iceberg concept of dentistry. We know that some dental problems are not visible above the surface, but that they can do just as much damage. Our diagnostic tools are state of art, allowing us to evaluate your dental and oral health completely in order to deliver the highest quality care. Our goal is to prevent problems so that your teeth can stay healthy and in place for your lifetime. 

To learn more, call 212-683-2530  or contact us today to schedule an appointment.